Update your contact info on UIndy Self-Service

You can edit your personal details (marital status, preferred first name, personal pronoun, gender identification), email, phone number, address, emergency contact, and additional details on UIndy Self-Service.

It can take up to 4 hours for UIndy systems to update contact information. If you do not see an update after you've updated Banner and allowed for 4 hours, please log out and log back into the UIndy system in question. If your information is still not updated, please submit an IT Help Desk ticket.

Students & Employees

  1. Navigate to the Personal Information page in UIndy Self-Service.
  2. Click on the Edit button or pencil icon under appropriate sub-category.  
Depicts step 2

For Personal Information, grayed-out fields cannot be updated online.

For name changes, see our change your first name or request a username change Tech Guide.