View delegated email
You can grant access to your Gmail account by adding a delegate. This person can read, send, and delete messages for you. Navigate to the following link about Gmail delegation for more information and steps on adding and removing a delegate.
Access a delegated email account
Once a UIndy email account has been delegated to you, you can access that account from your UIndy Gmail account. To do so, follow these steps:
- Navigate to
- Log in to your UIndy Gmail account.
- Click your Google profile picture or icon located in the upper-right corner of the page.
- From the drop-down menu, select the desired delegated account.

- A new window or tab will open displaying the email from the delegated account.
It may take an hour for a newly-delegated account to be added to your account. If it's been at least an hour and you do not see the delegated account listed as shown above, log out of your Gmail account and log back in.