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Use professional email layouts in Gmail

Help make your email UIndy professional.

Layout Recommendations

There are no firm layout recommendations. Use the layout that makes the most sense for your message type and maintain brand integrity throughout.

Header images should be specific to departments sending the email. In the case of specific campaigns or events, the Marketing Office can support graphical needs by reaching out to your appropriate marketing manager.

Set up your email template

  1. Open your UIndy Gmail.
  2. Start to compose a new email.
  3. Click on Select a layout. If this is your first time using email layouts, it's best to bypass which layout to select and customize your default styling first. See Default styling.
Depicts step 3

Default styling

Google will allow you to choose settings once then apply them to any email you apply a layout to. The following settings are recommended to maintain UIndy style continuity:

  1. Click on Default styling button.
Depicts step 4

Logo, Colors & fonts

Choose your color palette
  1. Click on the button that has # listed.
  2. Click the plus button.
Depicts step 2
  1. Next to Hex, enter #B20A38.
Depicts steps 3-4
  1. Click the Save button.
Choose your primary font
  1. From the drop down menu, select Sans Serif.
  2. Click the Save changes button.
Depicts steps 1-2

If necessary or desired you can add a footer.

  1. Click on Footer details button.
  2. Enter

University of Indianapolis | UINDY.EDU

1400 East Hanna Avenue | Indianapolis, Indiana 46227

Main: 317-788-3368 | Admissions: 317-788-3216

  1. Click the Save changes button.
Depicts steps 1-3

To add contact & Social media links:

  1. Click the Links button.
  2. From the Choose drop down menu select Website.
  3. For Link URL enter http://www.uindy.edu.
  4. Click the Save changes button.
Depicts steps 1-4

Select a layout

After your Default styling has been finalized:

  1. Select the layout that makes the most sense for your message type and maintain brand integrity throughout.
  2. Click the Insert button.
Depicts steps 1-2

Your draft email is now drafted in a template. You can click on any of the pieces (images, headings, titles, text, buttons, etc.) to edit.


If you are using images, be sure to include alt text. Alt text helps people who use screen readers better understand your branded email.

Add alt text

To add alt text to an image in Gmail templates, click on the image and additional options will appear.

  1. Click on Edit alt text.
Depicts step 1
  1. Enter appropriate description of image within the description box.  
  2. Click the Apply button.
Depicts steps 2-3

For more helpful information on Alternative Text, please watch the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights video, or navigate to My UIndy's Web Accessibility page.