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Request or remove access to Banner Admin Pages or UIndy Self-Service

The Banner system is accessed by most students and employees through UIndy Self-Service for registration, timesheets, etc. UIndy account-holders do not need to be granted special access for most applicable areas of UIndy Self-Service. If access to Budget, Purchase Requisitions, Class Rosters to courses not taught (e.g. Administrative Assistants in an academic department may need access to course rosters) are some examples of non-standard Self-Service access that will need requested through the method described below.

Alternately, some administrative users need access to Banner Admin Pages for day-to-day administrative record-keeping functions. In order to gain access to Banner Admin Pages, a supervisor must complete the Banner Authorization Form. Basic training by a supervisor or as arranged by the appropriate Data Steward or Data Manager is required.

Complete the Banner Authorization Form from My UIndy

To comply with auditor requirements, supervisors must request access for their employee directly. Employees or Administrative Assistants cannot request access for themselves or other department employees.

The Banner Authorization Form is used to request access for a new user, update current account permissions, or remove/suspend a current account.

  1. Navigate to https://my.uindy.edu/banner-cognos/
  2. Click Banner Authorization Form.
Depicts steps 1-2

You will be directed to an IT Help Desk ticket. The Request Type is Banner & Cognos>Add/Edit Banner Admin Pages/Self-Service Access. Again, this must be completed by the supervisor.

Please completed all required fields noted with a red asterisk (*).

Depicts ticket for Banner Admin Pages or UIndy Self-Service

Helpful reminders within this ticket:

  • If access to Social Security numbers is also required, create a separate Social Security Number Access ticket.
  • If additional access to an existing account is needed, list the security class or screens in the Additional Access field. Approval from the impacted access area is still required.