Access Web Accessibility Training Courses

UIndy is using Deque University as our web accessibility training provider.

As a content editor on one or more UIndy websites, you have been selected to take a fast track accessibility training course online, provided by Deque University. This video-centric course is designed for non-technical roles to quickly learn the basics of accessibility and understand how to create accessible digital content.

Set up your account

You have likely received an email from [email protected] with subject line Welcome, Name! Here's how to get started on Deque University.

  1. Open that email and click on Create my password button.
  1. Enter your UIndy email address in the Email field.
  2. Click the Reset password button.

A message will appear to prompt you to check your email.

  1. Open your UIndy Gmail account again and find the email from [email protected] with Reset password as the subject line.
  2. Within the email, click the Link to reset credentials.
  1. Create a new unique password and enter it into the New Password Field.
  2. Enter that same password again in the Confirm password Field.
  3. Click the Submit button.
  1. Your account has been updated message will appear. Click the Continue button.
  1. You will be reverted to the Deque homepage and logged in automatically. Your training courses will be listed below.
Login to Deque University
  1. On, click the Login button.
  1. Enter your UIndy email address in the Username or email field.
  2. Click the Next button.
Reset your Deque password
  1. On, click the Login button.
  1. Click the forgot your password? link
  1. Enter your UIndy email address.
  2. Click the Reset password button.

A message will appear to prompt you to check your email.

  1. Open your UIndy Gmail account again and find the email from [email protected] with Reset password as the subject line.
  2. Within the email, click the Link to reset credentials.
  1. Create a new unique password and enter it into the New Password Field.
  2. Enter that same password again in the Confirm password Field.
  3. Click the Submit button.
  1. You will be reverted to the Deque homepage and logged in automatically. Your training courses will be listed below.