Using the Intelligent Video Solution (IVS) Software

The Intelligent Video Solution (IVS) application provides video observation and recording software designed for clinical skills training, medical simulation, research, and performance assessment.  IVS is also used by the University to create effective aids for learning across all disciplines. 

Instructions below provide step-by-step instructions for accessing the IVS system, uploading an instructional video, and reviewing your recorded and/or uploaded videos. Students must work with their instructors in order to arrange for an IVS account to be created prior to accessing the software.

Access IVS Software
  1. Connect to the UIndy Virtual Private Network (VPN) if you are off campus. See Connect to the UIndy VPN for the first time for details.  

If your instructor has approved you to access your videos off-campus, you must first connect to the UIndy VPN client before accessing the IVS link.  See additional information on the UIndy VPN software.

  1. Open your Chrome browser (Other browsers will work but Chrome is recommended).
  2. Navigate to

For ease of future access, it is recommended that you create a shortcut or bookmark to this site.

  1. Sign in with your UIndy username and password to the IVS application.
  2. Click on the Log in button.
Depicts steps 4-5

After successfully logging in you will be presented with a screen similar to the one below.

Depicts IVS home screen
Upload a video file (.mov, .asf, or .mp4 format) from your computer into IVS
  1. Click the Upload icon located on the left side of your screen.
Depicts the upload button
  1. Under the Information tab enter the four required fields that are marked with an asterisks (*).
  2. Click the Save button.
Depicts steps 2-3
  1. Under the File tab.  Click on the Choose File button.
  2. Find the video file located on your computer.  Select the video file.
  3. Click the Save button.
Depicts steps 4-6

The upload process may take several minutes to complete depending on the length of the video.  A message will appear in the top right corner of your screen indicating the status of the upload and then again when the upload is complete. 

  1. Once the upload is complete you will be able to view your video in the Review section of IVS. Located on the left side of your screen.
Depicts Review button
Review a video file in IVS
  1. Click the Review icon located on the left side of your screen.
Depicts the review button
  1. Your imported videos, along with any other video shared with you, will be listed on Review screen.
  2. If you need to locate a specific video on this list, you can click into Search field and enter any keyword that you created in the Information tab of the imported video (ie. Assignment, Course #, Student Name, etc).
  3. The Recording Name will be the same as your Assignment name that you created.
  4. The length of your video is shown in the Duration.
  5. Click on the Recording Name link to view your video within IVS.
Depicts steps 3-6

If you are having issues connecting to the VPN or IVS, please submit an IT Help Desk ticket.